It has continued its tireless efforts to uplift those on the brink of poverty, offering sustainable livelihoods and enhancing their quality of life. With an expanding reach, the organization has positively impacted the lives of countless beneficiaries.
In addition to its focus on education and livelihood programs, the organization places significant emphasis on healthcare, old-age welfare, agricultural development, water and sanitation, rural infrastructure development, and other social welfare initiatives. Through its unwavering dedication, the organization has established credibility and achieved remarkable milestones.
The organization remains steadfast in its commitment to implementing activities with the same spirit and dedication. Programs are executed with renewed enthusiasm, harnessing the potential of beneficiaries who have made substantial contributions to the success of these initiatives.
Mission: – Our organization aims helping businesses grow by matching the right talent to their specialized staffing and consulting needs and build rewarding careers for the professionals they place. The company adheres to a philosophy of “Ethics First” in everything it does and creates a work environment where employees can thrive and innovate. Already inspires its employees to be a socially responsible corporate citizen and an active participant in the communities in which we live and work.
A strong and vibrant civil society is important for overall development of society. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a key role in mobilizing citizens, promoting democratic values and tackling key concerns in society. There is equal participation of both women and men in the development of any society and country. Self-development of women in social development should underly, but because of several religious, political, social and economic reasons, women have been left behind. Whether it is the question of equal rights, or whether it is the question of establishing the existence in the society. While accepting the contribution of women in social development and understanding their social condition, a need was felt to sensitize the community.
The organization has an active presence in all over India and abroad. The organization’s reach extends to both rural and urban areas in our country.
One of the core competencies of Protisruti Charitable Mission of Begumpur is conducting surveys and research work in rural remote areas and urban slums. They are experienced in implementing development projects and programs, including healthcare, drug de-addiction, old age welfare, skill development training, capacity building, employment generation, rural/urban infrastructure development, and social reforms. Their expertise enables them to make a significant impact in these areas.
To ensure effective program implementation, the organization conducts regular monthly meetings involving staff and volunteers. These meetings follow a participatory approach, with programmatic decisions made through extensive discussions. The organization maintains reporting relationships both upwards and downwards, facilitating the flow of information. The board of the Society reviews the organization’s work and provides necessary directions based on feedback from field offices.
The Society prioritizes transparency in financial management. They maintain systematic accounts at all levels and prepare monthly financial statements to monitor the financial status of each project. Daily maintenance of cash books and ledgers is ensured. Separate books of accounts are maintained for different projects, and external auditors review them regularly.
Human resource management is not a constraint for Protisruti Charitable Mission of Begumpur. The organization has a dedicated team responsible for administration, control, accounts, and related activities. They also engage a qualified and experienced team of project staff, including field workers, trainers, teachers, and volunteers, to implement projects effectively. Additionally, the organization has a panel of experts whose services are engaged as needed. The Society follows sound HR principles for recruitment and appointment of staff, creating an ideal working environment that maximizes the potential of the human resources.
The Society maintains good rapport and liaison with various departments, agencies, well-wishers, and donor agencies at all levels. This collaboration plays a crucial role in implementing programs successfully. The organization also maintains strong coordination with grassroots-level functionaries, including community leaders, social activists. These relationships and networks contribute to the organization’s effectiveness in serving the community.
It adopts a federal style of functioning, taking into account local conditions while ensuring the cent per-cent achievement of program goals. While remaining dedicated to their objectives, the organization is flexible enough to make slight deviations, when necessary, based on local conditions. This approach ensures the successful implementation of programs while maintaining a focus on the needs of the community.
The Annual general meeting was held on 05-06-2024 at the registered office House No. 162 (3rd floor) AC Block, Street-50, Newtown, Rajarhat, Kolkata 70156 of organization Protisruti Charitable Mission of Begumpur, the meeting was attended by the all members, workers and guests.
The Secretary of the organization requested to the Honorable president to kindly take the chair so that meeting start. As per request the chairman occupied the chair. The chairman gives the signal to go to ahead with the proceeding. The secretary addresses the member and other present person. The secretary brief informed about activities executed during the financial year 2023-24.
The copy of the audited statement of accounts of the organization including Receipt and Payment and Income and Expenditure and Balance sheet along with auditor’s reports ware distributed among the member.
The president of the organization address the meeting to give them a lot of thanks to all presented members, workers and guest for attending the meeting and giving your co-operation for the execution of the activities and also pay thanks to many prominent personality ,volunteers and Donors of the for support of the executing the various social, cultural, Health, Education, Rural Development, promotion of organic farming and organizing several awareness camp among the Rural community and marginal section of the society.
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